Virtual Reality: a language teaching tool forever

Virtual Reality often means different things to different people. It has enchanted gamers around the world for decades, offering varied levels of immersive entertainment – desktop VR, 360 cell phone VR, three degrees of freedom (3DoF) VR, and now 6DoF VR – but it is finally reaching mass adoption by companies and institutions embracing it as an edtech tool.

Virtual Reality is exploding across multiple sectors from medicine to management training. Understanding the mobility issues caused by Covid-19 that will hinder travel well into 2021, it is critical for leaders in international education to also explore implementing virtual reality as a tool to foster student engagement and social interaction in a prolonged season of severe social distancing.

With the introduction of standalone VR headsets like the Oculus Quest 2, high quality VR has finally become accessible, affordable, and considerably more user-friendly, making it a perfect digital tool for language teaching and learning.
